Surviving Nausea: When “Morning Sickness” Lasts for Months

It’s one of the most common pregnancy symptoms, but that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. 

Morning sickness: if you’ve experienced it, then you know it doesn’t only happen in the morning. The waves of nausea that 70 to 80% of pregnant women experience can start early in pregnancy and last for months. Though there are no sure cures for the relentless queasiness, there are a few ways to fight back.

If a bite of vegetables or the smell of your partner’s soap has you running for the toilet, then read on.


Things to Sip Slowly


Cold Water in a Favorite Glass: A simple glass of cool water can help keep down nausea. The cold temperature will settle your stomach, while the hydration will help with digestion. 

Hot Ginger Tea: If you’re experiencing morning sickness, you’ve probably already tried incorporating ginger in some way. Research shows that it actually works, and the bonus here is that the water will help keep you hydrated.


Things to Chew On

Salty Crackers: The sodium bicarbonate in the crackers will help settle your stomach acids so you don’t toss your cookies. Snacking on simple carbs throughout the day will help keep you from getting hit by an empty stomach. 

Ginger Chews: If you find that ginger works for you, consider grabbing a bag of these ginger chews. They’re easy to keep in your purse or car in case of an emergency.

Sour Candy: For whatever reason, this just works. Grab a bag of Sour Patch Kids to have on hand next time you aren’t feeling so hot. 

Ice: Chewing on ice helps calm your stomach, gives you something to do, and keeps you hydrated. 


Things to Consider Taking*

B6+Unisom: A combo therapy of vitamin B-6 and doxylamine, sold over the counter as Unisom SleepTabs, has been recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for treating morning sickness in the first trimester. 

Zofran: When you’ve tried all the things, Zofran might be able to help. The drug blocks the action of serotonin, which is sometimes what leads to nausea and vomiting. 

*Check with your doctor first!


Give It Time

Remember — it’s okay to eat whatever it is you can stomach during this time, even if that means living exclusively off bagels and ramen. Morning sickness is definitely not a walk in the park, and it’s better to eat what you’re able to get down, rather than nothing at all. 

Hang in there!

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For Those Supporting Someone With Morning Sickness

Are you a friend or partner to someone blessed with this pregnancy symptom? 

Consider sending her a morning sickness care package. We love this one from Sunflower Motherhood. 

Bump Boxes has several ideas for what to buy a pregnant friend or partner. 

Some other general tips...

  • Check in regularly, even if she doesn’t answer (looking at bright screens could be making her feel worse)

  • Don’t question her food choices, even if she’s throwing back peanut butter and pickle sandwiches like there’s no tomorrow. Just… don’t. 

  • Offer to run errands for her. If you bring her food, try to avoid overwhelming scents (like garlic or strong spices). 


We hope these tips were helpful! What do you do to curb morning sickness? Send an email to and let us know!


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