Your Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy Lingo

Search the internet for anything related to pregnancy and you’re likely to stumble upon a forum filled with acronyms.

Scroll down for the definite list of acronyms and expressions you’ll encounter during pregnancy. Keep this guide handy as you go!



AF - "Aunt Flow" aka your period

BBT - Basal body temperature (daily tracking can indicate spikes of fertility windows)

CD - Cycle day, followed by the number of days a woman is at in her menstrual cycle

DPO - Days past ovulation (countdown to window when pregnancy tests are accurate)

O or O-Day - Ovulation, ovulated, or ovulation day

OPK / OPT - Ovulation predictor kit or test (urine or saliva tests that detect upcoming ovulation 12-24 hours beforehand)

LMP - Last menstrual period (starting at the first day)



AI - Artificial insemination (sperm is inserted into the uterus)

BC - Birth control

BD - "Baby dance" aka have sex for conception

IF - Infertility

PG - Pregnant!

TTC - Trying to conceive

IVF - In vitro fertilization (procedure where egg is fertilized then implanted in the uterus)



HPT - General term for home pregnancy test

BFN - "Big fat negative" aka negative pregnancy test

BFP - "Big fat positive" aka positive pregnancy test

"Cheapies" - Inexpensive testing strips from the internet (like Pregmate)

FRER - First Response Early Result (brand of extra-sensitive test)

HCG - Human chorionic gonadotropin (hormone produced during pregnancy and what's tested)

POAS - "Pee on a stick" aka take a home pregnancy test

TWW / 2WW - "Two week wait" aka the window between ovulation and testing


Wishing Luck

"Sticky Bean" - Hoping for an embryo or fetus (baby is "bean") to develop into a full-term pregnancy

"Baby Dust" - Wishing someone luck while trying to conceive



EDD - The estimated date of delivery, aka baby's due date

FTM - First time mom

GD - Gestational diabetes

MC - Miscarriage

MS - Morning sickness aka all-day naseua

US - Ultrasound

VBAC - Vaginal birth after cesarean



CNW - Certified nurse midwife (a nurse specially trained and licensed in widwifery)

OB / OB-GYN - Obstetrician or obstetrician/gynecologist

PCP - Primary care physician

RE - Reproductive endocrinologist (a doctor specializing in infertility care)



DH / DP / DF - Dear husband / Dear partner / Dear fiancé

DD - Dear daughter aka a previous female child (followed by a number if multiple children)

DS - Dear son aka a previous male child

LO - Little one aka the child under discussion

MIL / FIL - Mother-in-law / Father-in-law


up next —


Surviving Nausea: When “Morning Sickness” Lasts for Months


Pregnancy-friendly Holiday Recipes