3 Remote-First Baby Shower Concepts


Navigating any social event is stressful right now, especially while pregnant, and new babies (and parents!) deserve a celebration. Here are some remote-first ideas we hope will inspire.

Host A Drive-By Shower

Invite friends and family to stop by for a 20-minute visit. Visitors can see baby's bump, drop a gift by, and enjoy a sip and snack.


  • Balloons, a balloon arch, sign with baby's nickname, lawn signs

  • Comfy lawn chairs (with ample space between)

  • Easels for guessing games

Fun & Games

  • Fill out a guest book

  • Invite visitors to leave baby name or weight guesses in a jar

  • Let folks guess the due date on a large calendar

  • Q&A with Mom trivia

Party Favors

  • Hand-held treats, like nuts or cookies in cute bags, ready to pick up

  • Portable drinks for the ride home, like seltzers, hot cider, or customized water

Party Virtually

Friends and family from anywhere in the world join online for a ~45 minute Zoom shower celebrating the parents-to-be.

Mail a festive envelope of party goodies to attendees a week ahead of time, and remember to email Zoom instructions a few days beforehand.


  • Send Mom a sash or special banner

  • Host can create a fun background custom to the new parents

Fun & Games

  • Nursery tour by Mom

  • Pregnancy slideshow with ultrasounds & bump photos

  • 'Guess that Song' with "Baby" lyrics

  • 'The Price is Right' of Newborn Gear

  • Celebrity Baby Name trivia

Party Favors (mailed Ahead)

  • A treat to enjoy (Mom's "pregnancy cravings" or a locally made snack)

  • Game cards & colorful pen

  • A little garland for screen backgrounds

  • Pins for key people (Grams, Auntie, etc.)

Plan a Sip-n-See

Let's be real, nothing can compete with those adorable newborn cheeks. Wait 'til a few weeks after Baby has arrived (and, hopefully, socializing becomes safer), then invite friends and family for a glass of bubbly and a chance to "meet" the little one in person.


  • Baby is the real attraction, so decor can be understated. Think: a simple floral centerpiece and cheerful tablecloth

  • Set out champagne, sparkling juice, and light bites

Fun & Games

  • Fill out a guest book

  • Invite visitors to leave advice for new parents in a jar

Party Favors

  • Send friends home with a polaroid snap from the day they met Baby

Parents-to-be in a pandemic, did you have a socially distant celebration? Have stories, advice, or ideas to share? Let us know on Instagram!


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