Staying Fit During Pregnancy - Tips From a Pro

We ask fitness pro Coach Tilda a few of the most common questions we hear from expecting moms. Tilda pulls from her experience as a prenatal fitness trainer, competitive athlete, and mom of two energetic girls to share the most important factors she considers when training expecting clients.


For those of us needing some motivation to get moving, what are some of the benefits of exercising while pregnant?

The benefits of exercise for mom and baby are endless. If you have a healthy pregnancy and are cleared by your doctor, I strongly recommend moving your body however is the most comfortable.

Where do I start? Working out before, during, and after pregnancy can give you energy, improve your sleep, boost your mood, and overall make you feel on top of the world. Exercise can also reduce the risk of pregnancy-related complications, such as gestational diabetes, unplanned cesarean sections, and high blood pressure.

Another advantage is that staying active helps your body prepare for labor and delivery, plus an easier post-delivery recovery.


What are some things for expecting moms to keep in mind while exercising?

Although you might be used to long runs and sweaty Crossfit workouts, exercise might (and should!) look different while pregnant. The goal when working out during this time should be to maintain fitness and promote wellness, not set records. When I train expecting moms, I gently remind them to push their ego aisde. We want to prevent injuries and avoid discomfort.

From my experience, a combination of strength training, cardio, and mobility exercises is the perfect mix of exercises to work in throughout a healthy pregnancy.

Remember: this is a time when your body is going through major changes. Be kind to yourself and find exercises that make you feel good.


Walk us through your process. If someone wants to start a new fitness program while pregnant, where do you begin?

I always start with a consultation in order to make sure the pregnant person is cleared by their doctor to workout. It’s also a good place to set the tone for clear communication and trust, as this is extremely important between me and my clients.

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Are there any health concerns pregnant women should be aware of before starting a workout routine?

Definitely. Medical conditions such as preeclampsia, uncontrolled hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disease, vaginal bleeding, or an incompetent cervix could cause complications for you and/or your baby. Of course, there are more conditions than I could list here, so I can’t emphasize it enough: consult with your doctor before starting a new workout routine.


Do you approach fitness differently while working with moms?

Absolutely. I don’t have to tell you that there are many changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, both mentally and physically. I’m always mindful of this while coaching women. Workouts are always subject to being adjusted according to which trimester mom is in, or even how she’s feeling on that particular day.

I’ve been doing this a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Some moms-to-be feel great during pregnancy, while some clients are uncomfortable and might even experience pain or medical conditions that hinder their activity. This is why it’s so important to communicate with me about how you’re feeling, be willing to be flexible with your workout plan, and take it one workout at a time.



Tilda is co-founder of STRONGMom, a pre/postnatal fitness app that provides all moms with the tools to have a strong and healthy pregnancy and motherhood.

Find us on social media @strongmomapp and @coachtilda


Looking to try some new moves? Tilda is excited to start a new Online STRONGMom Core small group coaching class on Thursday, March 25th, 11-11:45am PST.

The class focuses on core strength, posture, mobility, and strength for all trimesters. You’ll build a strong foundation, activate the deep core muscles, utilize your breath for a full-body connection and end the class with mobility and stretching exercises.

Email Tilda at to sign up!


up next —


How to (Safely!) Workout in Each Trimester


The Definitive Guide to Essential Baby Clothes