Workout Dos and Don’ts While Pregnant

Pregnancy comes with all kinds of changes to your daily routine. So it makes sense that you might be wondering what changes you might need to make to your fitness routine.

We’ve invited prenatal fitness expert, Coach Tilda, to break down the dos and don’ts of exercising while pregnant.


The Bad News: Workouts to Avoid

Generally, if you worked out before pregnancy, it’s probably safe to continue your current routine with some modifications.

If you’re a complete beginner, you’ll want to avoid over-training. Ease into a new routine with gentle movements, preferably with the guidance of an experienced prenatal trainer.

Of course, always get cleared by your physician before starting (or continuing) a workout program.

No matter your fitness status, here’s what I recommend to avoid during pregnancy, especially in the later trimesters:

  • Contact sports, activities with high fall risk, and scuba diving

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) at max effort (you can still workout with moderate intensity)

  • Working out in high altitude or high temperature

  • Some core exercises like planks, sit-ups, and crunches, especially in the second and third trimesters

  • Any exercise where you lie on your back

You know your body best. Pay attention to its signals. If you’re feeling unusual pain or discomfort, have any vaginal bleeding or cramps, feel dizzy or nauseous, or have an unusual headache, stop working out and contact your physician. 

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The Good News: Favorite Workouts

You might find yourself unable or unmotivated to continue with your pre-pregnancy workout routine. The good news is that there are plenty of safe and fun ways to get your heart rate up and keep your muscles strong.

Exercising in water is my favorite option for pregnancy. The water provides support for growing bellies and relieves pressure from the spine and joints.

I found so much benefit in water-based exercise during my two pregnancies that I decided to create a pre/postnatal water fitness class called STRONGMom Aqua. My goal is to help other moms love water workouts as much as I do.

If your joints and swollen feet feel up for it, strength training is another amazing option. You’ll feel strong and confident while strengthening the muscles that will help you during labor. Strength training doesn’t always have to mean pumping iron, though - it can be done at home using resistance bands or even your own body weight. Read more tips about strength training during pregnancy here.

During your workouts, aim for moderate intensity. Your workout should be challenging, but shouldn’t leave you in a puddle of sweat on the floor.



Tilda is co-founder of STRONGMom, a pre/postnatal fitness app that provides all moms with the tools to have a strong and healthy pregnancy and motherhood.

Find us on social media @strongmomapp and @coachtilda


up next —


3 Remote-First Baby Shower Concepts


How to (Safely!) Workout in Each Trimester